I'm going to roll our Thanksgiving recap and my 22 week checkup into one post. Because I'm lazy like that.
We'll start with Thanksgiving. We had 2 this year. First we traveled down to Enid OK to visit James 95 year old grandmother. About a month ago James mom broke her arm in an apple related food pantry accident. Anyways the decision was made not to cook anything down in OK and it was a good thing too because Grandma's oven has stopped functioning. Anyways, we stayed in a recently renovated Ramada Inn which was pretty snazzy and ate Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Coral with most of the rest of the town of Enid. They were crowded. Lily did good though, and ate her mac n'cheese, some taters and of course stole some chocolate of Grandma's plate. While we were only gone for about 36 hours, it was a nice trip. I won't be able to travel after Christmas, the whole stay within an hour of your hospital rule, so this was the last time we can go down there before baby M is born.
Friday morning I woke up at 4am and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and went to Target with all the other crazies. It was a Christmas shopping WIN. I got there a few minutes before the doors opened, so I didn't have to stand in the cold very long. Target was super organized, handing out reusable shopping bags and maps of the store. They had their big SALE items already placed in carts around the store for easier '"grabbage" and I was able to get everything on my list, plus I scored an even better DVD player for the car for Lily that I originally thought I would get. All in all a great trip and I earned $30 worth of Target gift cards too!
The rest of the weekend was spent with my parents visiting, hanging up Christmas lights, decorating one of our trees and hosting a "fauxgiving" where James made a fabulous Turkey, and I made the creamiest mashed potatoes known to man.
My mom graciously loaned us her 4 foot pre-lit white Christmas tree which I decorated with bright colored ornaments and all my Hallmark Keepsakes, and my full intention is to buy a real tree next weekend and put in the dining room with our purple and gold ornaments, but right now I feel too tired to even think about doing it. So we'll see. Plus I'm very specific about what kind of tree I want. I want a noble fir, that's about 5 feet tall and skinnier than me. Good luck!
Baby M Update:
I had my 22 week checkup yesterday. Everything is still on track. Baby's heartbeat is still high, in the 150's like Lily's was. Baby M also has been moving around a lot! Which is actually very comforting. I had a sonogram about 3 weeks ago and my placenta is in the front so the tech told me not to worry if I don't feel a whole lot of strong movements. Add that to the fact that I went ahead and got an H1N1 vaccine even though I was on the fence about getting it, and I was relieved when I realized I was being kicked throughout the day. The day after my H1N1 shot I work up that morning and said "well it didn't kill me or the baby so that's good". We're still throwing around baby names. We've been saying Baby Max a lot for a boy, and I think we still like Morgan for a girl, but my aunt called me last weekend with the name Miles. Its really starting to grow on me. And of course Madison and Madelyn are still favorites of mine. I really think we need to wait to see the little bean before we give him/her a name. What if he doesn't look like a Max?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More things Lily says: While I was getting ready for work Monday morning, she was running around the house pushing her Disney Princess grocery cart. She passes by me in the bathroom and says "Peace Out Mom". Seriously, my two year old just told me to Peace Out.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wedding Fun

Last month, we spent a week in Saint Louis visiting with my parents, grandparents, sister and future husband and preparing for their wedding. Kim and Nick were married on October 17th. It was a busy week, but a fun week. We drove out there on Friday October 9th. The next day was Kim and Nick, bachelorette and bachelor parties. James hung out with Nick and friends and I went with Kim and the other bridesmaids to Harrah's for dinner and some gambling. The next day was the rehearsal and dinner. The rehearsal went smoothly and it was warm and sunny (outdoor wedding). The dinner was FABULOUS. If you are ever in StL, you have to try Bill Gianino's. It was so good. And Lily actually ate, a lot! The following week was filled with running errands, finalizing plans, picking up tablecloths and napkins, getting hair cut, eyebrows waxed and fingers manicured. We did sneak in a family activity, on Monday James, Lily and I went to the St Louis Science Center and spent the afternoon playing. The rest of the week it was rainy and cold, so we didn't attempt a visit to the Zoo and Grants Farm is only open on the weekends in the fall. We'll get both of those in next summer. The wedding was beautiful. Kim looked gorgeous and Lily was darling in her little flower girl dress. It was however, COLD. Very very cold. We only spent about an hour outside total, but that was enough for all of us. It did not rain, so the 12 umbrellas that we bought the previous week, were returned! Here are a few pictures. These are ones that I took, I didn't hardly get any at the wedding but James got a lot! I'll let him upload those.
At the Science Center
Giant Hamster Wheel

Thursday, October 8, 2009
I just want to see the Bunny Pop!!
Every other Sunday James, Lily and I go to brunch together between church and James work. Then usually Lily and I go do some kind of fun activity. Last Sunday we met up with my friend Megan and her daughter Mia at Deanna Rose Farmstead. Before that though we went to Jason's Deli and right next door is one of those Spirit Halloween Stores. James thought it would be fun to take Lily in. He was holding her and they were looking at the monsters and you could tell she was pretty leery of them. And when he pushed the button to make one move, that was all it took. She immediately burst into tears and sniffled "I just want to see the bunny pops". Which meant she just wanted to see the bunny rabbits at Deanna Rose. Of course, after we left and got in the car, she said "I wanna go see the monsters". Then all week this week she as been asking to "go to store and see monsters". This morning she threatened to cry again. And then she did because we wouldn't take her right then and there. I guess we'll have to go visit the monster store again.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Obviously I have been terrible about posting to the blogs, even with all the free time I have at work; so I will start a new column called "Lillyisms" which will chronicle the funny things that are said by a two year old! Quick and easy, and we have plenty of material!
The other day while Kristin was in class, I took Lillian to the indoor pool at the local community center. We had a great time swimming, and when we were done, went to the hot-tub. I got in and put Lily on the edge where she could dip her feet in. As I put her down, I said "Careful, it's hot!" Lily dipped her foot in, confirmed "It is hot," then turned to me and commanded "Daddy blow it!"
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Spring Snow
Just when we thought Spring had finally arrived and come to stay:

Don't even get me started on the Jayhawk Flag. I spent several minutes this morning teaching Lily how to say "Go Tigers" and "Mizzou".
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Long Lost Pictures
With Grammy while Aunt "tippy" tries on wedding dresses.
Fun with Goldfish
And with Mommy's hat

Does this snowsuit make my butt look big?
Opening her gifts from "girls" Chrismas
My battery on my camera has been dead for a while, so I had pictures all the way from Christmas that had't made it to the computer yet. I fixed that yesterday while I was home with Lily (she was sick and couldn't go to school).

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Late Night Hospital Visit
Kristin and I watched "W." tonight, a fairly long movie, then as we were getting ready for bed Lillian decided to start throwing up everywhere! She had watery eyes and a runny nose all day, but was fine throughout shopping and dinner. After about 3 hours of the vomiting-bath-laundry cycle, we gave up and drove to Childrens' Mercy Hospital. An hour and a half and three vomitings later (for a total of 8 or nine), the doctor finally diagnosed an ear infection and possible dehydration. To treat all the symptoms at once, she had to get an IV in her little arm (antibiotics, anti-nausea and saline)! As I finish writing this, Lillian is still "drinking" her saline, and Mr. Rogers is on the hospital TV telling us he loves his neighbors.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Spring Finally Arrived

(Even though its only for a few days. By next week it'll be in the 30's again)

Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far, not too shabby since its only the first week of March. The high in KC was 81 degrees, so we decided to take Lily to the park before dinner. I've never seen the park so crowded. Lots of people were feeding the ducks and geese, which Lily observed from a safe distance. She loves animals, loves to say what they are, and make whatever noise they make but heaven forbid they get with in licking distance of her. We met a nice little 4 lb fully grown Chihuahua named Sam, which Lily refused to pet, even though he was smaller than our cats. We must have done a good job of working up Lily's appetite because when we got home she actually ate some chicken that wasn't from Chic*Fil*A. And broccoli, with cheese! It was a banner day for her. We plan on going to the park again tonight, its only 70 here today but not windy so it feels perfect.

Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far, not too shabby since its only the first week of March. The high in KC was 81 degrees, so we decided to take Lily to the park before dinner. I've never seen the park so crowded. Lots of people were feeding the ducks and geese, which Lily observed from a safe distance. She loves animals, loves to say what they are, and make whatever noise they make but heaven forbid they get with in licking distance of her. We met a nice little 4 lb fully grown Chihuahua named Sam, which Lily refused to pet, even though he was smaller than our cats. We must have done a good job of working up Lily's appetite because when we got home she actually ate some chicken that wasn't from Chic*Fil*A. And broccoli, with cheese! It was a banner day for her. We plan on going to the park again tonight, its only 70 here today but not windy so it feels perfect.

Friday, January 16, 2009
Playing in the Snow
I believe this is Lillian's first time actually playing in the snow. She has seen it several times, but was always too small! We were out less than 15 minutes; It was pretty cold today! Afterwards we had hot chocolate which she absolutely devoured!
Yep, It's Cold!
This is what happens when you leave a case of pop in a cold sun-room.
Luckily it was the only one to explode...
Luckily it was the only one to explode...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our Christmas Lights
FINALLY! Here are some pictures of our Christmas lights this holiday
season! I am cross-posting them to my business blog
(JamesWearPhotography.blogspot.com), our family blog
(TheWearFamily.blogspot.com), as well as my Facebook page! Please leave
comments; let us know what you think! We had to start from scratch this
year, and we are kind of burnt out by the whole Christmas light thing.
But we do love putting them up each year. And by WE, I mean ME up on a
ladder in the freezing cold while Lily and Kristin relax with a mug of
hot chocolate! It's OK though, as they took care of most of the indoor
decorating, which I find to be too tedious. My job is to put up the
lights and carry in the prickly Christmas tree!
season! I am cross-posting them to my business blog
(JamesWearPhotography.blogspot.com), our family blog
(TheWearFamily.blogspot.com), as well as my Facebook page! Please leave
comments; let us know what you think! We had to start from scratch this
year, and we are kind of burnt out by the whole Christmas light thing.
But we do love putting them up each year. And by WE, I mean ME up on a
ladder in the freezing cold while Lily and Kristin relax with a mug of
hot chocolate! It's OK though, as they took care of most of the indoor
decorating, which I find to be too tedious. My job is to put up the
lights and carry in the prickly Christmas tree!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Fun, Productive Day
I (James) got up at 4:45 this morning, and walked 3 miles on the treadmill. Then cooked omeletes for the fam. Kicked Kristin out the door for an hour of Lily-time, then off to the dentist for a filling (which was actually painless. He used an air drill and a light-cured enamel). Dropped some stuff off at Kristin's work, then back home for 2 hours of power cleaning. Lily helped put away the dishes. Next: Laundry, spot-bot some coffee-stains and clean bedroom. Then we ran around playing in the living room as you can see. Now we are getting ready for lunch. This afternoon I plan to get some business stuff done on the computer while Lily naps, then cook dinner and go check on good ol' Boy Scout Troop 93 this evening. Amazing how much you can get done if you schedule your time (even free time!). If I can keep this up I will quickly get skinny AND rich, or die an early death, one or the other!
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