James is now over here
and I am over here
It's not a divorce, just seperate quarters ;) Come visit sometime!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Big Happenings
1. We have TEETH. Max finally sprouted his two bottom teeth over the weekend. Sharp little boogers.

2. We have a new baby cousin, our first actually.

Addison Adele Kettler
09.05.10 12:36pm
6lbs 8oz 18"
We made a quick overnight trip to STL to visit with newest addition to the family. We only stayed for 24 hours, but we'll be going back this weekend for a longer visit.
3. Lily's first day of preschool was Wednesday. We had to beat feet it back to KC from STL on Monday because preschool orientation was Tuesday. I'm really excited for her. She'll be attending preschool at our church- Church of the Resurrection, three days a week. So far she seems to like it. She's also started soccer lessons, she's not quite old enough for team play yet, but we wanted her to have the experience. 

Friday, September 3, 2010
Things Lily Says
Me: Lily what's my name? (We've been working on teaching her our first and last names, in case she ever gets lost)
Lily: Mom
Me: my- Mommy- my
Lily: (rolls eyes and says louder and with more emphasis): MOM
She doesn't call me Mommy anymore, just Mom. So in retaliation I call her Lil. If she's dropping a Y then so am I.
Lily: Mom
Me: my- Mommy- my
Lily: (rolls eyes and says louder and with more emphasis): MOM
She doesn't call me Mommy anymore, just Mom. So in retaliation I call her Lil. If she's dropping a Y then so am I.
Friday, June 18, 2010
What we did (are doing) on our summer vacation...

Lots of things have been going on since Max was born:
1. I finished my second semester working on my paralegal certificate
2. James has started taking classes, studying computer programing
3. I went back to work
4. We went on a wonderful family vacation to Gulf Shores Alabama, luckily before oil started washing ashore.
We have lots of pictures to share, but are in the process of reorganizing our lives. James is off work for the summer, staying home with the kids and keeping busy with them. We're trying to clean out our house and get rid of the stuff we don't use but hang on to "just in case, I might, maybe have a reason to use it in the near future".
Max is nearing the end of the newborn phase. He is much more alert, lifts his head like a champ, and doesn't take nearly as many naps. His night sleeping has improved somewhat. When he was brand new he woke every 2 hours on the dot. Now he can sleep in stretches of 4-6 hours. He will sleep longer if someone is cuddling with him. He is not the biggest fan of his crib (he prefers our bed, memory foam) or the baby papasan chair, but enjoys the swing. Unlike his big sister he enjoys the front pack (must be the cuddling thing) and likes going on walks.
Lily is so grown up we can hardly stand it. She is no longer a baby, and very much a big girl at 3 years old. I am proud to report we had her potty trained before Max was born, and no accidents since. She got her ears pierced for her 3 birthday, something she asked for. And she is looking forward to swimming lessons in July (first time in a parent-free class).
Until we can get back on track these are some cute pictures of Max taken by Rebecca Haas of RPetersPhotography.

Monday, May 3, 2010
The one where I explain why I don't post much anymore
Really its because we have a new baby, Lily is out of daycare for the summer and I'm trying to finish up my semester of Civil Litigation and Business Organizations. Everyone tells you that 2 kids is NOT 2x the work, but rather 4x the work. I disagree. Its 10X the work!! And talk about lack of sleep. James and I are walking zombies right now. He's officially a stay at home dad now, Lifetouch season ended in April. Lily doesn't go to Preschool until August. Max sleeps a lot, but only in 2 hour spurts and does not extend them at night. By this point in her life Lily was at least giving us 4 hour stretches at night. Oh well. James and I have a system. I go to bed early, usually with Lily and he stays up playing video games or watching something on Netflix streaming and keeps Max with him. So that way I get a good 3-4 hours of solid sleep. Then if Max wakes up in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning I get up (since I have to feed him anyways). And James gets a good 3-4 hours of sleep. Max usually wakes up at 2am on the nose and again at 5 or 6am. Sometimes I get him to go back to sleep after the 6am waking, but usually hes up and stays up until about noon. You would think with all that awake time he would sleep more soundly at night. But he's what I call a hungry hippo. He eats all.the.time. If I nurse him, I'm lucky if he'll go 2 hours with out being hungry. If we do a formula bottle, we can get somewhere between 2-3 hours out of him. But lately he's been overfilling his little belly and urping, so we've started just giving him 2 ounces at a time. Which means sometimes we can spend 2 hours feeding him 6oz, only to start the process again an hour after he finished. It's a growing thing I hope. He has his 6 week checkup Thursday so I will be asking about this.
I need to post pictures, I'll get around to it eventually. James takes all our pictures then edits them on our home computer which is upstairs. I normally NEVER go up there and he's now to the point that he doesn't like to go up there either, if he has to tow both kids with him. We need to figure out a place downstairs for the computer. We haven't even done Max's announcement. We will get that done before we leave for Gulf Shores in 2 weeks. If we even get to go. Stupid Deepwater Horizon had to go and blow up and potentially ruin the only family vacation my family has planned in like 2 decades.
Ok, enough procrastinating. Must.do.homework.
I need to post pictures, I'll get around to it eventually. James takes all our pictures then edits them on our home computer which is upstairs. I normally NEVER go up there and he's now to the point that he doesn't like to go up there either, if he has to tow both kids with him. We need to figure out a place downstairs for the computer. We haven't even done Max's announcement. We will get that done before we leave for Gulf Shores in 2 weeks. If we even get to go. Stupid Deepwater Horizon had to go and blow up and potentially ruin the only family vacation my family has planned in like 2 decades.
Ok, enough procrastinating. Must.do.homework.
Monday, April 19, 2010

That's 3 weeks and 6 days.
Maxwell James Wear
March 24th 2010
6lbs 10oz 19 inches
Having 2 children had decreased my IQ significantly and I still have about 5 more weeks of school to go this semester and James has another week left of work before his summer break. Once we are back in the swing of things I'll post more. But for now I have a cute baby to cuddle.
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