Monday, January 5, 2009

Fun, Productive Day

I (James) got up at 4:45 this morning, and walked 3 miles on the treadmill. Then cooked omeletes for the fam. Kicked Kristin out the door for an hour of Lily-time, then off to the dentist for a filling (which was actually painless. He used an air drill and a light-cured enamel). Dropped some stuff off at Kristin's work, then back home for 2 hours of power cleaning. Lily helped put away the dishes. Next: Laundry, spot-bot some coffee-stains and clean bedroom. Then we ran around playing in the living room as you can see. Now we are getting ready for lunch. This afternoon I plan to get some business stuff done on the computer while Lily naps, then cook dinner and go check on good ol' Boy Scout Troop 93 this evening. Amazing how much you can get done if you schedule your time (even free time!). If I can keep this up I will quickly get skinny AND rich, or die an early death, one or the other!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Looks like she's already practicing her high kicks! Lookin good!