Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boo @ the Zoo Pictures

So it's been a while. It took James a long time to upload the hundreds of pictures he took of Lily from Boo @ the Zoo. And then it took me even longer to pick which ones too post here. Hundreds to go through, literally. If you want to see them all go here: jameswearphotography.com

Look at that Belly!

Done with the stroller. And costume.

See that monkey?

I kind of like my blue jeans!

Looking at some Koi.

Some thing's in there I just know it!

Loves to ride the carousel!

I don't see any elephants. Where are the elephants?!?!?

Oh here's what's left of one. Just kidding. We saw plenty of elephants.

I'm going to toddle off now, to find these so called elephants!

Oops fell down.
Look at me go!

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